Sunday, 22 November 2015

This girl though - laughing out loud :))

She breathes through her mouth
That uncomfortable scratching sound
Which made her friends say
Breathe properly you also aah!
But her nose was eternally stuffed
Tissues and handkerchiefs her permanent friend
The awkward girl
Had the weirdest first kiss
She doesn’t remember any of it except holding her breath
And praying that her stupid nose doesn’t run
After that she could only giggle at how ridiculous the whole thing was


Her crooked teeth stood like the crown in her mouth
The tiara designed by the king fit like a crown
Although when she went on her first date
She didn’t hear a word that dude said
She could only worry if food got inappropriately lodged in her
Hidden tooth
How would she get it out?
The whole meal through she giggled about how ridiculous that would be


Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Passers by

I loved the feel of the window
As the world rushed passed
The sea sitting quietly watching the sky
The warmth of the day quietly fading away
It was after all the most splendid place I ever saw

I loved the sound of the seven pm metro
As commuters rush passed
In a fiery blaze of white and red
Claiming their place on the highway
It was after all the dizziest city I ever saw

I loved the dream of shade
As the sun rushed passed
With a million sky scrapers, Bright dazzling lights
Ladies in high heels with black hooded veils
It was after all the hottest place I ever saw 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


I am praying for you MC 
Easy laugh and quick flirtatious smile
To thrive in the moment of hype 
When nothing can happen until you arrive 
Always given a superstar welcome
It can't be easy being the heart of the party!

It can't be easy making the crowd roar with laughter and erupt in fits of joy
It can't be easy to have everyone's attention by a simple hand gesture 
People feeding on your every word like hungry puppies
fading into the audience to leave you the spot light
They look to you wide eyed anticipating the brief moment of satisfaction 
Felt when you waved your magic wand

It can't be easy watching eyes sparkle and have the whole room enchanted 
It can't be easy to have people follow you always
To take and never give, To always be there as sure as the sun
Like clock work giving warmth and light
The chase is a thrill , the challenge to spellbind the room
Will they singalong and satisfy your ego, 

But Even the sun must sleep
When she has shined and captured everyone's heart
She steals their smiles and retreats
To her nest counting her treasure- eggs that never hatch
Hugs them tight like a lullaby
Leaving the darkest night
Oh sun..It can't be easy to be alone in your tent
Struggling to fit in its shade
Yet you have command of day, you
Heat up the soil beneath my feet that it is deceived 
And be the brightest star for everyone
So I am praying for you MC

That the light you give shall also remain
When you retreat to your tent you should never feel alone
In your greatness you may prosper some more
And enchant more people with your smile
That when you sleep 
You may also rise

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

A mighty storm arisen

The roar of God
Creative force and power
How the earth trembles
See a mighty storm is rising in the earth

At the blast of the breath of his nostrils
Nothing is safe,
Trees run for cover
All is exposed

That elemental divine energy
Tuning the environment
Raw speaking
Stirring up a storm
Fresh breath

Waiting In Line

High streets
Flying cars
People sitting 


 What scares you the most The fact that am unbreakable  I contained a 10 year  nuclear bombing  Escapade inside of my heart Yet her I stand ...